Allison Wang
Hello! My name is Allison Wang (she/her), and I am a fourth-year PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. My interests lie in descriptive set theory and combinatorics. My advisor is Clinton Conley.
I am one of the organizers of CMU AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics), which also hosts Student Events for Diversity in Mathematics. Previously, I helped run the weekly Graduate Student and Postdoc Seminar.
I received a BS in Mathematics from Caltech in 2020 and a MASt in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge in 2021.
Email: ayw2 at andrew dot cmu dot edu
Office: Wean Hall 8116
Complexity of codes for Ramsey positive sets. [arXiv]
Submitted, 2024.
Every CBER is smooth below the Carlson-Simpson generic partition. With Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos. [arXiv][journal]
Fundamenta Mathematicae. Vol. 262, No. 1, 85-103, 2023.
Differential polynomial rings in several variables over locally nilpotent rings. With Fei Yu Chen and Hannah Hagan. [journal]
International Journal of Algebra and Computation. Vol. 30, No. 1, 117-123, 2020.
On skew polynomial rings over locally nilpotent rings. With Fei Yu Chen and Hannah Hagan. [journal]
Communications in Algebra. Vol. 47, Issue 3, 1102-1104, 2019.